A Month in the Sciences

While most students perform winter-term projects off campus during the month of January, the pulse of the Science Center at Oberlin College continues to thrive. With uninterrupted access to laboratories, professors, and equipment, and no other classes to compete for time, students have the opportunity to continue projects started during the academic school year or get involved in research they’ve always wanted to learn about.

This (laser) project is directly related to my physics major as well as my personal goal of pursuing physics in graduate school and eventually a career in experimental AMO research.

Claire Segura ’20

Cocrystal research is one of the newest fields in chemistry and has the potential to change how we think about pharmaceuticals.

Riley Davies ’19

Astronomers love having a spectrum, because it lets you learn all sorts of things about what the galaxy is doing, like how many stars it’s forming, or if the black hole at the center of the galaxy is trying to grow.

Assistant Professor of Physics Jillian Scudder

I knew I wanted to be premed since I was a kid.

Natasha Powell ’20

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